Post-Divorce Transition Assistance

step-by-step guidance

Post-Divorce Transition Planning

Ending a marriage is always difficult, but you don’t have to be overwhelmed by the complex work required to retitle assets into your name, transfer investment accounts and RSU’s and other Executive Compensation. The Settlement is half the battle.  Working with financial experts who understand the process can help you execute your settlement agreement so that you can move forward with your life as quickly as possible.


We can also prepare a Divorce Financial Plan to provide you with clarity on your financial future.  We can detail out your income, your assets and even a retirement plan.  You want to emerge from your divorce with a sensible financial plan that helps you move forward. We can help you to take control of your finances and plan for the future. 

Your Trusted Partner

Our Philosophy

We help couples divorce by implementing a non-adversarial process, one that is not financially confusing and not unreasonably costly. Using alternative dispute resolution instead of, or in addition to, the court system means families can own their decisions and design their lives during and after divorce.

Knowledge and Expertise

Our CDFA® is a trained financial professional who can help you navigate the divorce process and all financial aspects of a high net-worth divorce.

Personalized Strategy

We recognize that each divorce is different and carefully plan a custom strategy that is right for you and your solution, no matter what stage you are.


We are sensitive, discreet and confidential, while providing a customized, non-judgmental safe-haven keeping you focused and on task.

Your Post Divorce Plan

Our approach at Austin Divorce Strategies is built on the philosophy that wealth should be aligned in such a way that it enables your life and changes with it; not the other way around. We a take personalized goal-driven approach to planning. Many factors are considered including your financial resources, family considerations, the investment environment, tax issues, and your risk tolerance for making financial decisions.

Finding the right support for your unique situation can make all the difference in how your new life begins post-divorce. During your divorce transition planning, we will help you:

  • Make sure you understand your new normal. We will create a simple, dynamic strategy that you can understand.
  • Assist with consolidating assets and updating the registrations and beneficiaries.
  • Provide investment advice and management.
  • Make sure everything and everyone is working together so you can strive for financial independence.
  • Help create an estate plan so you know your assets will go to who you want when you want.
  • We utilize dynamic software to move forward with confidence and provide clarity on what is important to you.
  • Much more...

Schedule a personalized strategy session with Chris Wilbratte, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA®).


Our Philosophy

Regardless of which method of divorce is right for you, our experts can help you navigate the waters with confidence and save you money as well.

Our Blog

News and Resources

Counting On Your Attorney For Financial Advice

Your attorney is an expert in the legal world, but not the financial world. Would you ask your…

Don’t Let Frustration Get The Best Of You During Divorce

So many people going through divorce just want to “get it over with.” Divorce is not the time…

Understanding Your Divorce Settlement

Your Divorce is Finalized.  You’ve made it.  it’s time to start moving forward.  You’ve made it through the…

Reach Out For Support

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